First-Aid Kit9 Products
first aid kit
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Complete first aid kit
Kit includes First Aid Assistance Guide, Knuckle Bandages, Large Fingertip Bandages,Wound Wipes, CPR Shield, Triangular Bandages, Gauze Compress, Triple Antibiotic, Scissors, Burn Cream, Nitrile Gloves, Tweezers, Tri-Cut Adhesive Tape and Gauze Pads
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First Aid Refill Kit
Includes Tweezers, Nitrile Gloves (2 Pairs), CPR Shield, Antibiotic Ointment, Wound Wipes, Assistance Guide, Tri-Cut Adhesive Tape, Triangular Bandage, Gauze Compress, Burn Cream, Elastic Strap Bandages, Scissors, Gauze Pads, Knuckle Bandages and Fingertip Bandages.
Everything you need refilled!
Fiskars quality
Take apart shears are easy to clean
Serrated blades for tough cutting jobs
Notched pivot to hold stem
7", Orange Handle
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Safety Station with Graphics
Custom Graphics available
5" x 17 1/2"
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First Aid Kit - Truck
Includes- First Aid Box, Burn Cream, Combine Pad, Gaze Pad, Non-Adherent Pads, Cold Pack, Eye Wash, Splinter Out, Burn Stop, CPR Shield, Scissors Nitrile Gloves, Tweezers, Wound Wipes, Blue Bandages, Adhesive Tape, Eye Pad, Knuckle Bandages
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First Aid Kit - 150 Person
Kit Includes wound wipes, eye wash, CPR shield, triple antibiotic ointment, gauze compress, gauze pads, elastic strip bandage, fingertip bandages, triangular bandages, tri-cut adhesive tape, first aid & burn cream, knuckle bandages, BB Pathogen Kit, scissors, tweezers, first aid booklet
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First Aid Refill Kit - Truck
Includes- Burn Cream, Combine Pad, Gaze Pad, Non-Adherent Pads, Cold Pack, Eye Wash, Splinter Out, Burn Stop, CPR Shield, Scissors Nitrile Gloves, Tweezers, Wound Wipes, Blue Bandages, Adhesive Tape, Eye Pad, Knuckle Bandages
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First Aid Box with GPS Logo for Food Service (Box Only)
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Golden Protective Services Blood & Body Clean Up Kit
Kits Includes: 1 Pair of nitrile gloves, red z solidifier (10g. pouch), scoop, red bio-hazard waste bag, twist tie, antimicrobial hand wipe, paper towel, 1 Pair Shoe Covers, Disposable Gown, Surface Disinfectant, Face Mask